Folder size windows 7
Folder size windows 7

See "Changing the Paging File's Location and Size," later in this chapter, for the information about moving the page file. Storing the page file on the disk with the most space gives Windows 7 the most flexibility. If you have multiple hard disks, store the page file on the hard disk that has the most free space - Windows 7 expands and contracts the page file dynamically depending on the system's needs.Therefore, you should store the page file on an uncompressed partition. However, as with all file operations on a compressed partition, the performance of page file operations suffers because of the compression and decompression required.

folder size windows 7 folder size windows 7

  • Store the page file on an uncompressed partition - Windows 7 is happy to store the page file on a compressed NTFS partition.
  • If you have multiple physical hard disks, store the page file on the hard disk that has the fastest access time - You'll see later in this section that you can tell Windows 7 which hard disk to use for the page file.
  • There are three things you should consider:

    folder size windows 7

    The location of the page file can have a major impact on its performance.

    Folder size windows 7